I had a successful VBAC at 44
I had a successful VBAC at age 44, and am proud of it! Yes, go for it! One thing that I did which I think helped was to see someone who I did 2 sessions of hypnotherapy with. It helped to visualize the process of actually giving birth. - Yvonne
Where do I start!!! At age 45 and 4 months I have my very own BFP!!! Thank you all for keeping me going on this journey. We have been TTC for 24 months precisely!
Posted By Roxanne on 2006-04-02I'm blessed with knowing I'm having my 15th at the age of 43 (will be 44 when baby is born). This is an answer to prayer for me. I wanted at least one more ( my hubby says I will always say this)
Last week a reporter queried me on a quote a reproductive endocrinologist gave her:
“2/3 of women over the age of 35 require medical intervention in order to conceive.”
These attitudes are not only wrong, they are downright harmful. Keep in mind there is a large financial incentive for you to believe these demoralizing prognoses – reproductive medicine is an ever growing multi billion dollar per year cash industry, whose financial rewards grow exponentially when you submit to the belief that your only chance of becoming a parent is through medical intervention. They make no money when you conceive on your own. They make maximum profit when multiple women are involved in helping you achieve a pregnancy at all costs.
- Randine Lewis, author of Infertility Cure
It's really unbelievable to me, but I just found out I'm pregnant!. I can't believe it happened so quickly after our seminar. I've been trying for 6 years, my last miscarriage was 3 years ago and I just turned 44!!! OH MY!!! Since then, I've had NO response of being pregnant, even through IVF! Both times when I got pregnant it was natural and using herbs. It's just so amazing!!! I'm taking this one day at a time and being very cautious.
by Sami S. David and Jill Blakeway
-- MAKING BABIES offers a proven 3-month program designed to help any woman get pregnant. Fertility medicine today is all about aggressive surgical, chemical, and technological intervention, but Dr. David and Blakeway know a better way.
Starting by identifying fertility types, they cover everything from recognizing the causes of fertility problems to making lifestyle choices that enhance fertility to trying surprising strategies such as taking cough medicine, decreasing doses of fertility drugs, or getting acupuncture along with IVF.
MAKING BABIES is a must-have for every woman trying to conceive, whether naturally or through medical intervention. Dr. David and Blakeway are revolutionizing the fertility field, one baby at a time.

Click to order/for more info: Making Babies - US | CDN | UK

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