I am 51 & pregnant
I am 51 and pregnant. What are my chances of having a Down's Syndrome baby? I have given the chance for a 40 year old of 3%, but I am a lot older than that.
My mother was 45 when she had my sister. She and I are 20 years apart. She was fine! She is now 17 and a royal pain, but that's typical!
I just turned 44 and believe I am pregnant. I have two daughters, 20 and 14, and they were absolutely perfect, beautiful. I realize that this is many years later, but I have good genes (aunts and grandmother that has 8 children each with the last ones in their 40s), and am in relatively good health.
My boyfriend just turned 30 and has no children, but wants them...I hope everything is OK...my youngest daughter (Who still lives at home) would be so happy...wish me luck!
Well, I am 49 years old and 9 weeks pregnant. I have a 29 year old daughter and a eighteen year old son. I am trusting God for my pregnant and delivery. I'm from West Africa and my mother had her last child at age 47 normal delivery, without complications. My husband and I got married 1998 eight years ago. I conceived in 1998 but had a miscarriage. I am believing God that this baby will be full term baby, normal and healthy.
I had 2 miscarriages, only the last one was On New Year's Eve. Ya, what a way to break open a new year. Anyway I was 45 on that one, well I was so depressed and tried to get it out of my head on having another baby. Well, years go by and I found out that I’m pregnant at 47?...scared and hoping I don’t lose this one..
No insurance yet I have a year to get some, and I’m feeling some light ackyness in the lower abdomen, close to the bikini line.. is this normal? I’m told I’m about a little over 5 weeks.
You Can Get Pregnant in Your 40's