45 and 9w pregnant with baby #13
I will be 45 years old in March, and I am nine weeks pregnant with baby #13.
Of those 13 pregnancies, I have had three miscarriages.
Since I was 35 years old, I have had six pregnancies and three healthy baby boys.
My last baby was born two months before my 42nd birthday.
My own sister gave birth to beautiful twins when she was 42 years old, and she was/is obese (over 350 pounds), has diabetes and asthma.
All these high risks were against her - and she still had a relatively normal pregnancy and healthy twins!
I also know of another woman who had her son when she was 44 years old.
You can do it too!
I was speaking with my doctor who's wife had the first of three children starting at 41 years old.
She apparently had two miscarriages before her first successful pregnancy.
I have had two successful pregnancies in my 40s (one at 40 years old, one at 43 years old) and four miscarriages (including one miscarriage five months ago).
I turned 48 years old last weekend, and I am still trying though the odds are smaller.
My doctor says I can still get pregnant, and I'd love to have one more baby.
So, who knows?
Baby Monitor Sound Amplifier |
I will be 45 years old in less than two weeks.
I am 11 weeks pregnant.
We heard a good strong heartbeat today!
I bought a fetal doppler - so now I can listen to my baby's heartbeat anytime I want!
by Rebecca Matthews
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