lists over 8,000 items under the search term "fertility"

On a side note I have a friend who had her first and only at 45 (and her DH must have been about 50), that was about 10 years ago and they are a happy, active family today.


Wanted to share some interesting things I heard from my RE when I consulted with him the other day. I asked him if he had seen any viable pregnancies in the 45+ age group. He said "yes", several at ages 45-46, some at 48-49 and the oldest was 51!

All of these pregnancies occurred on "natural" cycles with or without Estinyl and with/without "low dose stim boosts". He feels that successful pg in the 45+ age group is possible (although infrequent - he readily admits, though, that it's hard to REALLY know the statistics since most women in that age group aren't TTC) and more likely to occur through more natural, low tech methods than the high tech stuff, like IVF.

He actually encouraged me, as long as I'm still ovulating, to continue TTC naturally (with Estinyl for elevated FSH and low dose stims)...he said, "you might get lucky!" I felt somewhat encouraged by that and wanted to share the information.


A 45-y-o lady got pregnant with an "oops" baby. She was the wife of one of the law partners that my ex-husband worked with when I was younger. Ladies your age *do* get pregnant, and it's not anyone's business to hear the gory details.


The doctor told me it could take us 9 months really trying and that I should expect to have a miscarriage or 2 before I get one to actually stay and then my risks are still high because of my age. She surely did not paint a pretty picture, but said it was possible as she had 10 women this past year all 44 to 45 that had babies, so it was not impossible, just a little more challenging.


I never was pregnant a day in my life until after 40. Then suddenly I got pregnant out of the blue. That one was a miscarriage and three months later I was pregnant again. That one turned out to be our son who will be one tomorrow. Today I just found out we are pregnant with number two. Our last. We have never done any kind of fertility stuff or different, so anything is possible. It is surely just up to God. There is hope for all of us! I am 43 with a one year old and now, one on the way!


2,529 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I hope I don't offend anyone here, but it CAN happen naturally, even at 47. Just because Geena Davis had twins at that age doesn't necessarily mean that she had Donor Egg or anything else for that matter. I, for one, just had my first one month before I hit 44, and I did it naturally. I realize how frustrating it is sometimes, but once in awhile, good things DO happen....hopefully, more than just once in awhile. - Jen (44)


Re: Any "old" parents of "young" kids?: Well, not if you don't consider 51 with a ten year old and 7 year old twins old! - Gigi


However, I was the young child of older parents - my mom was 45 when she had me and I was her first and that was just not "done" in the 1950's. LOL, I think that they were talking about doing a medical report on my Mom after she had my sibling 3 years later.


Two of my closest friends both had children in their early to mid 40's, so I've shared a fair amount in that experience of mothering a toddler in your mid-40's. There are a lot of wonderful things to be said for bringing grace and wisdom to motherhood. - Sue


One of my friends had her first and only child at 48, her husband was 50 and Zach is 14 now and just the neatest person. They both get a little weary as sundown approaches, but I think Zach has kept them young.


2,529 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

Well get this, I was attending a menopausal support meeting monthly (I was a speaker at one point), and lots of good information. I realized, that I was still having regular periods, and that I might be able to get pregnant. I wasn't willing to go through any extreme measures. I'm 45, and now I'm 15 weeks pregnant.


I'm 37 weeks pregnant at age 44 and did it totally natural - no meds at all (except progesterone to keep it there - but that doesn't count). - Lisa


I also did the Yoga for Fertility DVD. Don't know if it helped, but a very good Yoga video!! - Lynn, 46, EDD 3/16/2006 it is a *girl*


I just wanted to let you know a story about a friend of mine. She was going through menopause and then at age 46 conceived naturally. She has a healthy baby girl. I just wanted to let you know that it can happen. There are other stories out there that are similar. Best of luck.


My husband's co-worker told him they have 6 children ages 3-19. The last 2 were born when his wife was 43 & 46. Conceived naturally and perfectly healthy.


2,529 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I have known women up to 46 having babies on their own, and I have heard of women up to 55. I really believe that having a positive mind set is a good thing for getting pregnant. When I got pregnant at 44 I really had a positive attitude. Sometimes a hard thing to do! - Doreen


I am pregnant right now - yeah!!! I did have a scare last week but scan showed baby at 6 weeks 3 days with a heartbeat of 171. I go again Friday for a follow-up scan to make sure "viability" as they put it (I thought I was a week further but she says I probably ovulated late?). After 4 losses this year I am so hoping.

I know I will get lots of comments due to my age as I did with my last son at 42 - I will turn 44 next month. Even the doctor at my clinic keeps telling me how much greater risk, etc, etc, etc, I am at my "mature" age. So, I am just taking it day to day and so grateful for another opportunity.


Here's a little note of encouragement for those over 40 who are trying. It took me 5 years to conceive this little one after successfully having my daughter at 43. This baby was conceived naturally. I did have an amnio and it was all clear. He was born last week (I'll be 49 in May). Labour was (relatively) easy, I did have an epidural. A week later and I feel like a million bucks. You CAN do it, ladies! Hang in there! - Carol


I am 40 and conceived naturally . My maternal grandmother had her last child at 48 naturally, and my paternal grandmother was 41. Many women conceive without medical intervention. I think RE's have a skewed view because they are only seeing women who need help to get pregnant. I also have a co-worker who is having her first child at 40 without intervention. - Joanne


Chiming in late but -- yes! I didn't do anything special and conceived naturally at 39, at 41 and at 44. All I needed was oral progesterone during early pregnancy. All three of my midlife babies are healthy and perfect and I had easy pregnancies and deliveries.


2,529 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

It has really gotten me down, but I just keep thinking about how a lot women who aren't trying get pregnant at this age (and older) - get pregnant with what they used to call a change of life baby. One of my best friends mothers had one at 53 and there wasn't anything wrong with her sister.


I spoke to someone recently whose mother gave birth to him in her mid-40s, decades before IVF and reproductive endocrinologists. So, while I wouldn't want to give false hope, for those who want to give it a try, please know that it's not unheard of for women in their mid-40s and sometimes even later to conceive a healthy baby.


Well, I just wanted to give some hope. I have been pregnant every year in my 40’s. I am 44 and pregnant again. When I was 36 they told me not to get my hopes up because of my age. My husband had a reversal after at least 10 years with a vasectomy. At first they put him on Clomid to raise his sperm count. I didn’t think I would ever get pregnant. Then I did and lost 2, one at 41 and 42. Then I got pregnant again at 44 and am 21 weeks and the baby is fine. Basically we just did it on our own.


I am 44 and expecting a baby in August. I became pregnant with this baby while on a cycle of a drug called Follistim, which is an injectible gonadotropin. That's a follicle-stimulating hormone, and you might want to ask your doctor about it. I also took progesterone starting two or three days after ovulation -- I took an ovulation-trigger drug, which is part of a gonadotropin cycle, followed by insemination and sex -- through the first trimester.


Whatever you decide, just remember that women all over the world have babies well into their 40s and that you don't necessarily need an RE to get you pregnant -- even though they would like you to think that way.


2,487 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I am 47. ( just turned back in June ) I went to a specialist who drove me to tears, and then we could not take the financial risk involved for the treatment. That was when I was 45. At 46 and a half years old I fell pregnant naturally.


I got pregnant naturally at 2 months short of 46 - and although it didn't work out, the outcome was not age-related. You just have to keep trying until you hit a decent egg!


And as a final encouragement, I will drag up my old great great grandmother, who had my great grandfather when she was 53 years old (way back in 1886).


I was so depressed about TTC that I changed my screen name from "wishmeluck" to "wishUluck", because after 2 years of TTC and because of the fact that I will turn 46 in May, I had given up any hope of becoming pregnant ...

I was very interested in adoption but was also bummed about the fact that my husband didn't want to. Guess what happened? I got a positive pregnancy test this week! Its quite a miracle, and I hope this little one stays with me until the due date in October. - Deb


I turn 46 in June. Just a month younger than you. I just got a BFP today. Remember, I'm the one with the beloved husband that only has one testicle due to cancer, and that one had a varicocele that was repaired. Serum HCGs results tomorrow. I know it's a slim chance to make it to a baby, but we're at least started.


2,487 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I had triplets when I was 46, they are now 7! Its exhausting, financially worrying but they are truly special, I have 2 boys and a girl, I waited over 20 years to have a daughter. After losing my son suddenly in 1994, these children are truly a gift I never thought I would have.


My mum had my brother when she was 44, and he has been a joy and a blessing to them. There is 20 years between me (eldest) and him and it keeps me young, never mind them


When my gran had a baby at 47, she had four teenage kids who absolutely doted on 'the baby', which he still is, even in his early 50s now. Gran said he was her easiest to bring up, because her kids looked after him but were too old to be interested in fighting with him.


I am 45 and currently 40 weeks pregnant. If it is any help, I really have not felt my age has been any handicap (although this will be my first baby) I would fall on the side of encouraging you to go for it.


My gran had a baby at 47. Her youngest was 9 (she was married young, but lost her first husband and child to disease). That little boy became an accomplished pianist and surgeon.


2,487 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

Work colleague of my dh - he and his wife had another baby 10 months ago.. she is 50 years old - next closest sibling is 21!! - Papillon


My colleague had a baby a few months ago at 45 (she has a 15 year old too). She is loving it so much, She has just extended her maternity leave. - moondog


Just had my first at 45, unsurprisingly the oldest in our playgroup of nine - most in their thirties, but didn't feel odd - you are as old as you feel and I don't feel 45! - aviatrix


Congratulations. My friend is expecting her 2nd and she's 44, so you're not the only one out there.


However, fate has smiled incredibly kindly on me because my little baby boy was born 4 weeks ago, by c-section in the end, but I am fine and have plenty of energy and he is thriving - and all at age 45.


2,487 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

My midwifery mentor had a beautiful baby girl when she was 46.


Just found out I am pregnant at 44!!! My husband and I are still shocked (but thrilled) to find out that we are expecting. Have to go for a sonogram tomorrow, but the doctor estimates we are about 4 to 5 weeks. I have been through multiple surgeries, endometriosis, adhesions etc over the past 20 years and never thought it could happen. As a matter of fact we have two beautiful babies (what we call in the adoption world) "virtual twins" adopted from the country of Kazakhstan in 2/2003 that are now 2 1/2 years old!!! I can't believe we (god willing) will have another baby!


If your friend wants facts I would add the fact that having a baby at a later age and breastfeeding it actually lessens the likelihood of osteoporosis for the mother - just so she knows there are positive and beneficial things associated with late motherhood too (apart from having a child, obviously)


One of my husband's colleagues have just announced they are pregnant for the first time, he is 43, she 44 and they are expecting.... TWINS!!! - Chandra


I used to be a midwife and the oldest Mum I saw was 49 - all went well as far as I can recall. - Aragon


2,487 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

Just last week I had a 47 year old patient having her SURPRISE baby. Get this...she thought she was going into menopause because her period stopped. LOL....guess she was totally shocked to find out she was very much pregnant! But, it is a day to day occurrence for me as an OB nurse to take care of 40+ moms EVERY DAY. And the real shocker...most haven't had the benefit of medical intervention. They just got pregnant!


My 44 year old friend just had a baby girl. Her FSH was usually around 30. It was 17 on CD2 the month she got pregnant - low stim. natural pregnancy ...meaning she took a little Gonal F and Cetrotide that month. She had done 3 or 4 IVF all BFN. She followed Randine Lewis' diet, stress reduction, supplements....She thinks LIT may have been an important key. LIT is an immune therapy like IVIG - Micha


I went to my hairdresser at the weekend and she is pregnant, she’s 43 and will be 44 having the baby, due at Christmas. When you see stories like these and all the ones you have gathered Catherine, there must be literally millions, only a very small population log onto this board so how many do we not know about?


Here is another - the woman who comes to help me clean up my house 2x a month, asked me yesterday, are you going to try to get pregnant again? I said we are trying! But I’m old, so who knows. She said, keep trying! My mom had me when she was 45 - didn’t think she could get pregnant so didn’t use birth control anymore, all her sibs are like 10+ years older - So, another to add to the list... Catherine


A very good friend of mine is expecting her tenth...she will be 48 when this baby is born in the Spring. They have married children and have been praying and hoping for another baby for the past eight years.


2,462 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I am 44 and 8 weeks pregnant. This would be our first child. My husband and I have a great support system, as most of our friends have very small children or pregnant - they are in their mid thirties to early forties. I visited a birth centre, and was told by the midwife they get quite a few moms over forty. Apparently it is getting to be pretty common here (we live in Miami).


I'm pregnant and just turned 44. I'm 8 weeks, and going to get my first US in two weeks.


AIM: Report of a case of successful twin pregnancy following liver transplantation.

PATIENT AND METHOD: A 42-year-old nulliparous-woman was subjected to an orthotopic liver transplantation due to Budd-Chiari syndrome. Sixteen months [age 44y] after the transplantation, an ultrasonography revealed twin pregnancy. Her prenatal course was uneventful, except for mild arterial hypertension. The immunosuppressive agents used during pregnancy were cyclosporine and prednisone.

RESULT: The patient gave birth to two healthy girls at 37 weeks of gestation. The patient's postpartum course was uneventful with normal liver and renal function tests.

CONCLUSION: Following successful pregnancy, women may become pregnant and give birth to normal children, including twins


My grandmother had her second child at age 44; a great-aunt had her fourth child at 46. Was there hope for me?


Marisette Hasan, a home health agency nursing administrator, had her first baby at 40 and another at 44. She also suffered two first-trimester miscarriages. “I got married at 39 and was afraid of getting pregnant on my honeymoon,” she said. “My gynaecologist at the time said, ‘Listen, you’re 39; if you get pregnant, it’s OK.”’ Both of her babies were born healthy. “Being pregnant was wonderful,” Hasan said. “No problems.”


2,462 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I'm also due April 16, 2006! This pregnancy was a huge (welcome) surprise. I'm 44 (will be 45 in November), and dh and I were stunned. We have a 22-month old son, conceived through IVF/de after we were told "on our own" would be virtually impossible. The statistics the doctors present are not encouraging for women in their 40s. But I'm here to say that it does happen! I'm 12 weeks along and finally the nausea seems to be lessening. Looking forward to following everyone's stories! - Denise


I am 44 years old, soon to be 45 and was wondering how many of you are my age and pregnant? I am about 5and a half weeks and am not feeling very symptomatic... I have a 5 year old and a 21 month old and at first was not thrilled about this but after 2 weeks of digesting the situation, I would like to have this baby... I had 3 miscarriages between the two children, so needless to say, I am worried...I will be going in for the fetal heart check with abdominal ultrasound on Tuesday ... Barb


I'm 47, 8 weeks pregnant. I've got an 18 year old and a 15 month old. I delivered him a month before I turned 46. We went through 4 miscarriages trying to get our little guy, so I know how scary this can be. My pregnancy was no problem whatsoever. I did flunk the AFP for downs, but a level II ultrasound showed a perfectly healthy baby. I've had 2 ultrasounds so far. The first just showed a sac with the "beginnings" of a baby. The second one showed baby and heartbeat (big relief) but the heart rate was 91. I go tomorrow to see how everything is progressing. - Becky


I'm 46 and 33 weeks pregnant. So far it was not much different than 20 years ago with my first pregnancy. - Vanessa


I am 45 and just found out that I am pregnant with my 5th child! I am shocked. I was having menopausal symptoms and just decided to test because I kept feeling that my period was going to start, but it never did! After calming down, I decided to start eating right and enjoying this baby just like I do all the other kids. But, I can't sleep at night because I am so nervous to be pregnant at 45, almost 46.


2,462 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

My best friend just emailed me a picture of an acquaintance of hers just delivered her son at 48 -got pregnant at 48, so she may be 49 by now. I emailed her and am hoping for a response, so keep on going. I am newly 49 and not quitting.

Also read posts that stated women getting pg in Honduras up to 60 and my acupuncture just told me of cases into their 70's!!! Yikes that is too much, but you get my drift. She believes it is Tai Chi and QiGong and diet changes for the Chinese. I am waiting for feedback on the Hondurans, as I know the hubby of the gal who said this and he is from Honduras. Do not give up!!


I'm 46 and will be having my baby in late Oct. My others are 22, 17 and 19 months, all conceived naturally. I know it's rare but it can happen. I truly believe it would be happening much more often if not for the fact that so many women (and men) have been "fixed", it alters the statistics of probability. I am very curious to know the statistics of conception post 45 when birth control isn't a factor in the comparative population.


I was pregnant at age 47, 49 &11 months and 51 & 6 months - all ended in miscarriage. I have heard many stores of women over 47 conceiving naturally, and I am hopeful that I can conceive too. Reading all the great inspiring posts here certainly helps. I should stop in more often for encouragement.


I'm 47 and just found out I'm pregnant for the first time. I haven't told my husband. He is happy with his older kids from a previous marriage (as am I, they are great) and prefers no more.


Today at church my friend told me her 49 year old daughter had twins in September, with NO medical intervention to get pregnant. The babies were born early, but are eating like champs. Mom is breastfeeding every two hours!!!! So let us not lose hope!!!! This story made my day!! Teresa


2,462 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I have a cousin who is pregnant at 46.5 years old, became pregnant naturally (It was a big surprise!) and had an uneventful pregnancy and delivered a girl last year. She had been trying for 10 years + and gave up... --- Mary D.

[My baby] is due in February. I [turned] 45 in August. It can happen. --- Acacia


My Aunt has told me that her friend got pregnant at 45, after trying for 4 years. The only thing she did differently was adding Whey Protein to her diet.


Our neighbour has a colleague at work who is pregnant for the second time at 49. The first, she had at 47. We recently ran into a couple who had conceived for the first time without help when she was 46.


There are many women who have babies at our age and older. My new wonderful doc at Kaiser Oakland has shown me pictures on her wall of women up to 51 years old, holding their new babies! She says that she can really not do much for me, (they don't do IVF which I don't want anyway, I'm going for IUI..) but has highly recommended acupuncture and claims that most of her success stories came from women who did "alternative" treatments. I suggest that if you have a negative doc, just keep looking until you find a positive one. They are hard to find, but they are out there. Good luck :) Mishla

Image: 45 and Pregnant: How I Conceived and Delivered Naturally, by Liz Angeles (Author, Editor),‎ Annie Flatley (Photographer),‎ Lori Dorman (Photographer). Publisher: On The Inside Press (June 8, 2015)45 and Pregnant: How I Conceived and Delivered Naturally
by Liz Angeles

-- 45 and PREGNANT is a 3-part journey that begins with a 44-year-old single woman with no prospects, that leads quickly to a middle-aged pregnancy.

Her fears and worries about childbirth with her historically low pain threshold were later transformed by her decision to have a home water birth with no drugs and her success story that involved no complications.

Beginning with a serendipitous love story that led to the sudden pregnancy and concluding with the family events that transpired beyond the delivery, Liz Angeles provides a plethora of information for anyone considering a natural birth.

Her comical memoir spanning a 5-year period includes many healthy pregnancy tips and natural parenting options.

Her revealing details and personal choices promise to educate, entertain and inspire.

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My Great Aunt had a baby at 43. My Grandmother had 3 children in her 40's, with the last at 48. My sister had her only child at 43. (although she died of SIDS at 3 months) No one in my known family history has ever gone thru menopause before their mid 50's. I keep telling myself that I have reason to hope. I think you do too!


My Ob/gyn told me almost a year ago that he had lots of women in their 40's giving birth. So, as long as I was still cycling on a regular basis, I had a good chance.


June, 47, UK - I am currently 11 weeks pregnant having conceived naturally at the age of 47. I will be 2 weeks short of my 48th birthday when I deliver.


Sandy, 49, Kansas, US - Hi, I find myself pregnant at 49! My 50th birthday is on the near horizon....this pregnancy was un-planned.


My great aunt had her first child a boy at 48, and her second a girl at 50. I thought that she adopted, but my dad confirmed that she was pregnant, unassisted, with both children.

Posted By j on 2005-10-19


2,462 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I get tired of the hype too... I sometimes feel like calling the TV stations and saying, "ummm.... check your facts!" My mom was married at 39, had me at 40, my sister at 41, my brother at 44. That was in the early 1960's.


I had my 4th boy at 37, 5th at 40, and 6th at 44. All naturally conceived.


We just had our second boy in Oct. at age 44 (first was born when I was 39). Both were conceived naturally, had generally problem free pregnancies, and both children are healthy.


My Mom told me a story about my baby shower. They had friends who were about their age, mid-forties, who had tried for years to have a baby with no success. The husband had been told that if he rubbed the baby's presents at the shower, he and his wife would have a baby and so, red faced, that is just what he did. Nine months later, they had a baby girl.


I also saw a fertility specialist yesterday for the first time. He is seeing more and more women in their 40s and he delivered a 44 and a 46 year old who both had healthy babies last week. He also told me that he used to prescribe Clomid to older women who are ovulating (which I am) but in 4 years not one of those women conceived on Clomid. They all conceived naturally after Clomid! I left feeling my faith was renewed and so much less obsessed than I had been feeling. This is the first doctor I have spoken with who believes in us. In us women 40+ who want to conceive. He says...YES WE CAN!


2,462 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I am new to this board, but not to TTCing. I'll be 44 in December. My sister conceived her first month off the pill - she is 45.


[My acupuncturist said,] "I have been doing this 40 years and I know what I am doing" , which is probably ABSOLUTELY true, she has a waiting room full of baby pictures to prove it, and a client list which includes pregnant women 45 and 46 years old.


I do have a friend who got pregnant naturally for the first time at 43, miscarried, tried for four years and had her only child at 48, a healthy, normal, adorable and very bright boy who will be starting high school in the fall. - Sue


My Mom married very late (for the time) in life (over forty). I was born when she was 45. This was the early 1950, the only "reproductive technology" was old wives tales, and I was unplanned. In spite of the late age of conception, I think that I am normal although my husband and my daughter would disagree :) - Sammie Alice


Thanks everyone for the information. It helps to hear positive stories. I get so tired of the media telling women that they will all be sterile after they turn 35. I just don't believe it. My grandmother had 3 children after she turned 40 - had her last one at age 46.


2,462 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I went for my annual today with my Gyn. I told him that I went to the RE that he referred me to and had a small % chance of success without help and only a slightly higher chance with injectibles, all based on a high FSH. He told me that REs typically give answers based on statistics. He strongly encouraged me to do the injectibles for a month or two before I gave up.

He told me that this month was unique at his practice, as he would be delivering 6 babies with mothers from 42-46 years old! The one that was 46 was having her first and got pregnant naturally!! He said he has lots of 40's mothers to be but usually does not have this many due in the same month. He assured me that I was very healthy and he felt that I had a good chance of getting pregnant. I said,"yeah, well maybe I have one good egg somewhere." He said, "Oh, I think you have a few." Very positive words from him!


Thanks to Almighty God - I'm Pregnant!!!!!!! And thank you ladies for all of your help and support during this journey of trying to conceive. For those of you who are not familiar with me, I just turned 44. I have a beautiful 2 yr old son and a great husband. This is actually my 5th pregnancy. My last pregnancy being a year ago with a loss at 6 1/2weeks right after my birthday. It has taken us 12 loooooong cycles or 10months to conceive this one.

In July I started acupuncture and Chinese herbs at the Eastern Harmony clinic in Houston. This was after much frustration with TTC and no hope given by my Western ob/gyn. I would not have even known about it though if it wasn't for you ladies that give so much wonderful information on this board. So I guess I want to really thank all of you for your help and inspiration and for steering me toward this option of acupuncture. I can not prove that it worked ladies but something certainly did and I am convinced that it definitely put me back into a fertile state.


My good friend just sent me an email "Pregnancy". I open it and there is a photo of her. She just turned 45 and they weren't planning on having children, but weren't preventing because they didn't think they needed to.


[My doctor] also said today that women of "mature" years....(he said something way nicer though) are the best patients as they are way calmer and not freaking out over every little thing...What a sweetie...!!! He has a patient that is delivering around the same time as I am at 45 and it was all natural and he said she's doing awesome he said...


Today's paper had an article about local older woman-younger man couples. Married 9 years, Shirley is 55 and Jeremy is 43. When they met, he had an 8 year old daughter, she had 2 grown daughters. Shirley said her daughters were against the relationship at first, but Jeremy says his family was supportive. A bigger shock to all, though, came when Shirley became pregnant at 47. Their son, Benjamin, is now 7 years old.


2,442 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

My friend just found out she was pregnant at 45. She was doing acupuncture and herbs after trying everything (IVF, injectables with IUI) and it worked!


There is a women at Angelica's herbs who puts together special herb teas for women trying to get pregnant. She laughed when I told her I was 43, she said the last women she gave the teas to was 49 and now has a baby !!


Yes, I actually went to one of Randine's workshops and she doesn't believe in Pilates but I don't really think she knows anything about it. My friend who has 3 children, all conceived in her forties, swears by it. I did get pregnant when I did it for a few weeks, but had a miscarriage. I think it strengthens the pelvic area and aligns the spine.


I did point out before about OB's being more optimistic than RE's. And that's because they see plenty of older women who come in who are already pregnant. I love this OB because he is so optimistic about this stuff. When I saw him last year for my annual check-up (when I was 44), he asked me if I was going to have more children. I asked him if I had time for another and he said that I had time for one or TWO more. This time, he seemed totally [unconcerned] when I told him that we were trying. When I left, he said "happy hunting."

He said that as long as you are still ovulating, you have good eggs left. He said that no woman produces 12 "good" eggs per year. Even if she is 22 years old. A younger woman might ovulate 10 good eggs a year. An older woman will have fewer. Maybe only 6 cycles a year, or only 4, or maybe only 2. But in his view, if you just hang in there and keep trying, you'll pop out an egg capable of being fertilized, implanting and growing into a healthy baby.


I was thinking and forgot to share that - my stepbrother Joseph was born when his mother was 45. He was the 7th child and his mother was told she was missing her period 2 months due to menopause. Wrong! Pregnant! Normal pregnancy & delivery in 1966. Add it if you'd like. - JenniferAC From FF 40's TTC


2,442 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

My husband had a vasectomy reversal at 45, and I got pregnant 5 months later at 44 and had Fynn last November at 45, no problems with pregnancy or birth other than the usual I would say anything is possible.


Both my grandmother and my husband's grandmother had kids in their 40's without any problem. My husband's grandmother must have been around 46 when she had her last daughter, as his aunt is much younger to him. So nothing is impossible.


My husband's step Mom, married to his father for more than 20 years, had a lot of babies who always passed away at early ages (maximum at 4 years old) because of a genetic disorder from her side .

Finally, she managed to have a boy and a girl after more than 20 years who survived, my husband interpretation of her age at this time is that she was around her mid forties


I have conceived naturally at 47- June


I am 44 years old with a beautiful 19 year old daughter by a previous relationship and a lovely husband. We would dearly love a child of our own and have been told by my GP that we have "unexplained" infertility. I have excellent fsh levels for my age and my mum didn't get her menopause till her late 50s. We have been TTC for a couple of years now with no success, and I have been told that IVF wouldn't help matters. Oh, and my husband's mother was born to a 47 year old!

Image: Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility, by Sami S. David and Jill Blakeway. Publisher: Little, Brown and Company; 1 edition (August 12, 2009)Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility
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London: Cuddling her newborn son with her husband by her side, this is Britain’s oldest mother — Patti Farrant, aged 62. She controversially gave birth to the baby, known as JJ, after having IVF treatment abroad using a donated egg so she could fulfil her 60-year-old husband John’s dream of becoming a father.

With her ‘perfect’ baby boy sleeping peacefully in her arms, Patricia Farrant spoke of her joy after becoming Britain’s oldest mother at the age of 62.

She gave birth to 6lbs 10ozs ‘JJ’ in a trouble-free elective caesarean on Wednesday morning with her 60-year-old husband John by her side.

Farrant said she was “overjoyed” with her beautiful new son, adding, “Seeing him for the first time was beyond words. I had some apprehensions before the birth, but it all went very smoothly. JJ is absolutely beautiful, a perfect small person.

“He has a very agreeable personality and it’s a privilege to welcome him to the family. He’s very laid-back and we’re enchanted by his presence. The whole thing has a dream-like quality and we’re very much looking forward to taking him home.”

Farrant, who has three grown-up children from a previous marriage, paid £10,000 (Rs 8,48,913) for IVF treatment using a donor egg at a clinic in the former Soviet Union.

The couple had to be treated abroad because fertility clinics in Britain will not help women over 55, and their treatment was supervised by controversial Italian fertility expert Professor Severino Antinori.

John, a hugely proud first-time father, said, “When I first held him I was simply awestruck. I thought ‘Here he is after all this waiting and we’ll be together forever because I’m his daddy’. I feel a huge sense of responsibility and tremendous love for him.”

“Despite admitting that he had never wanted to have children before he married Patti, John added, “By some amazing miracle I am a father. I feel completely different and that life will never be the same again.”

Baby Farrant, who has been nicknamed JJ until his parents settle on a name, was born under the care of the NHS at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton.

Farrant, a child psychiatrist known professionally as Dr Patricia Rashbrook, has made a speedy recovery from the birth and is able to breast-feed her son, who has a healthy appetite.

She and her husband hope to take JJ home to Lewes, East Sussex, early next week.


I know a lady who lives locally to us who had her little girl at 46!! She is a lovely child & her Mum is one of the happiest I've met.


Like you, I am 47 years young. I conceived naturally back in February earlier this year. I did not have a happy ending however. I miscarried on March 31. But my point is that there is hope. I haven't given up and am willing to try until menopause sets in.


I have a good friend who is the youngest of 10 children. Her mother had her sister when she was 43, and had her when she was 48! So it can still happen for you


I had my last daughter 3 months before my 44th birthday. We are not actively trying for any more, but I am also not using any contraceptives either.. Leaving it up to fate.


My mother had me at 43 and my mother was born when her mum was 48. Have fun TTC.


2,442 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I conceived naturally last year at nearly 46. Although I lost the baby, the loss was in no way age-related, according to the consultant. Diet and supplements - and not being too rigid about having fun! - are important.


I conceived this past February naturally at the tender age of 46. I also lost my baby. I was three months along when it suddenly stopped developing and I had what is called a missed- miscarriage. I am still trying and since then have turned 47. Like Mel, my doctor did not think it was age related. I take a multitude of vitamins as well as pre natal ones. The only other thing is to believe you can and you will.


I conceived my little boy when I was 43 and gave birth to him at 44 and a quarter ... no amnio or cvs, just nuchal scan and he was perfect in every way. He wasn't planned (just one time that month) but we were overjoyed when I found I was pregnant. - Liz x


My midwife friend in New Zealand, delivered twin boys to a woman of 46 a couple of weeks ago - first children - conceived naturally ...


Over the years, I have heard about so many women who had babies in their 40's. My favourite author's wife had her last two at 44 and 48! My backyard neighbour had one at 50 when I was growing up, and my great aunt had her last at 46.


2,442 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!
A 52-YEAR-old US woman who had already gone through menopause has given birth with help from modern medicine and eggs donated by a niece.

Rita Garcia delivered Daniela Alexandra Garcia by caesarean section on Tuesday at a hospital in Hammond, Indiana.

The baby weighed 2.52kg and was 48.26cm long.

"They say this is a miracle baby," Mrs Garcia said.

Her husband, Rodolfo, originally from Colombia, was stationed in Germany with the US Army. The couple travelled to Panama – Garcia's home country – to use in vitro fertilisation to conceive.

When the Army relocated the Garcias to the United States, they had trouble finding a doctor.

"No one wants to take a 52-year-old," she said.

Then Mrs Garcia found Dr Karl Schwartz of Schwartz Medical Corp in Munster, Indiana.

Dr Schwartz began caring for Mrs Garcia at about six weeks of pregnancy and took special precautions because of her age.

"I definitely knew it was high risk," Dr Schwartz said.

"It's not common. This is the oldest pregnancy I've taken on."

Mrs Garcia had gestational diabetes and, at the end of her pregnancy, developed HELLP Syndrome, which meant she had elevated liver enzyme levels and a low blood platelet count, Dr Schwartz said.

Because Mrs Garcia had already gone through menopause, doctors had to hormonally support the pregnancy for a couple of weeks, he said.

Despite her age and need for hormones, Mrs Garcia is breast-feeding her daughter normally and is expected to be allowed home within days.

The oldest woman in the world to give birth is believed to be Romanian Adriana Iliescu, who was 66 when she had a daughter in Bucharest in January 2005. A 62-year-old woman in California gave birth in February.

I came across this article today... this woman gave birth at 54, that was 78 years ago so there were no fertility treatments involved.

SA woman aged 132 hopes to enter record books

An elderly South African woman has laid claim to be the world's oldest person -- 132 years -- and an organisation representing the old is adamant the accomplishment be officially recognised, a report said Thursday.

Moloko Temo of Bochum in the country's northern Limpopo province was reportedly born on July 4 1874, according to a government identity document issued to her in 1988, the Afrikaans-language Beeld daily said.

"Her skin still looks healthy, even though she is wrinkled, and her complexion is very light," said the newspaper, which carried a picture of her identity document that records her year of birth as 1874.

Temo has eight children, 29 grandchildren, 59 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren. She has been blind for the past 54 years and is wheelchair-bound, though reportedly "healthy in every other way".

Temo lives with her daughter, Evelen Temo (78), who was apparently born when her mother was 54 years old.

"I wish I can live to see the 2010 Soccer World Cup (in South Africa). Everyone here is talking about it," Temo told Sowetan at her colorful birthday party in her village on Tuesday.


She then went on to say that after all that it can happen naturally ! That her sister in law got pregnant at 42 and then again at 46 ... her advise was to just carry on and if it happens it happens!

She's had two patients at 47 conceive naturally and have perfect pregnancies and babies. Have confidence in your body! We're all rooting for you

BUT, doctors are often very wrong about their statistical data...many women at 45 here are more fertile than I was at the age of 28. so the age thing is not always right!


I'm glad you're getting so much encouragement from the knowledgeable women here. My RE took a different approach from yours. She said there was every reason to believe that I could get pregnant with my DH's sperm, and that at 47 my chances were much better without her intervention. She strongly encouraged us to keep trying, and referred us to a nutritionist and acupuncturist as supports for our efforts. She herself is a few months short of my age, and she runs a positive, supportive, and honest practice, so that may account for the her approach to us.

I am 47 and 6 weeks pregnant, I have been pregnant at least 6 times as I know of in the last 18 months good organic diet vitamins and bottled water plus one acupuncture session per week (which I only started 4 weeks prior to conceiving) and an absolute positive belief in my own ability to conceive is what I believe have helped me to conceive, hope this helps


2,442 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I guess I just don't know anyone who has had a baby past 42, and the ones I do know who had them at 42 both did IVF. Well, other than my grandma who had her last one at 44. My Dr. told me he only occasionally sees anyone older than 42 who gets pregnant naturally, and very rarely past 44.


Catherine, you can add me to your over 44 and pregnant list. I will be 45 on Nov. 1 and told myself that I would stop TTC when I hit 45. God has blessed me with this miracle and I pray with all my heart that I have a healthy little bean growing inside me.
- Julie (44), DH (30), DS (2), Angel Babies 8/01, 2/02, 12/04


My grandmother had her fifth and last child (naturally) at 47 having been told in her 30's that she could never have children. Unfortunately I never met her, but I gather she sat around a lot and drank umpteen cups of tea - Posted by Anna Pollard


I had an uncle whose wife was either 50 or 51 when she had her 12th child in the 1960's. They had grown up family, some of who were married and had families of their own. - Posted by Elizabeth Reynolds


While it is often difficult to find out the truth about celebrities' mid-life pregnancies, as we often suspect they had ART, and used donor eggs to conceive, there are a few celebrities who have conceived their mid-life babies naturally....

Singer Kenny Loggins' wife Julia gave birth to her second child, a daughter, Hana in 1997 at the age of 43. Hana's was not only an unassisted home birth but the Loggins conceived after following Niravi's Whole Person Fertility Programme ( totally holistic, natural) ....

Yoko Ono, widow of former Beatle John Lennon gave birth at the age 43 to their son Sean. Ono and Lennon had consulted with an 80 year old Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner on the West coast who recommended they used herbs and dietary changes to improve their overall health after Ono experienced several miscarriages and a stillbirth. Ono was able to conceive naturally several months later and carried Sean to term....

It is reported that Madonna is using Ayurvedic medicine (a 3000-year old natural system based on herbs and diet from India) to help her naturally conceive her third child at the age of 45 with husband Guy Ritchie. Madonna stays fit practicing Ashtanga yoga and reportedly eats a completely organic diet. Madonna gave birth to daughter Lourdes at age 38 and son Rocco at 41.


2,442 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

Actually, I was quite surprised to find out earlier this year that what I thought was menopause was actually a pregnancy. I am 47. Unfortunately, I miscarried. The good news from this pregnancy is that I became pregnant. The children I had in my 20's were all conceived with 200 mg of Clomid after months of trying. And now here I am older, but more fertile!

After doing quite a bit of research over the last few months, I learned that it is not abnormal at all to conceive in your 40's and go into menopause in your late 50's to 60's. But honestly, I too had bought into the hype that women entering their 50's are not fertile. As our society lives longer, why wouldn't we retain fertility to an older age. I feel young and my body acts like I am! Although I am a bit creaky in the morning!


I'm 46, DH is 52 (almost 53) [children] age 5.5 yrs and...age 23 months


You are so right that most women over 40 do conceive naturally. By far! ---Velveteen


About conceiving naturally over 40 -- you know as I have posted before, 3 of my children I conceived in my 40's.... When I had done anything other than natural - I did not conceive. --- Caren


I have a friend who is days away from her first child - a little girl. My friend is 45 (weeks away from 46) There is hope for us....

2,417 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!
Lauren Cohen, 59, with her twin babies(Daily Mail) Updated: 2006-07-04 13:50

A 59-year-old American is believed to have become the oldest woman in the world to give birth to twins, it has been reported.
Lauren Cohen and husband Frank Garcia's babies, Gregory and Giselle, were successfully delivered by Caesarean section despite life-threatening complications, according to the New York Post.

They were conceived by IVF using a donor egg.

The couple, from Paramus, New Jersey, already have an 18-month-old daughter, Raquel, who was conceived in the same way.

Mrs Cohen lost 33 pints of blood during the delivery, during which she had to have an emergency hysterectomy, as doctors at New York-Presbyterian Hospital battled to save her and the twins' lives.

She told the newspaper: "I'm happy. I come out healthy, and the two babies came out healthy."

Mrs Cohen, who turns 60 on August 11, also has a 27-year-old daughter, Renee, from her first marriage.

Mr Garcia, who is about 20 years younger than his wife, said: "Lauren has guts. She's amazing."


He added: "It was one of my dreams to have baby twins. It's like a miracle."

Mrs Cohen said she had just wanted Raquel to have a brother or sister.

"I wasn't expecting twins," she said. "But that's what happened."

Because of two conditions she suffered during her pregnancy - placenta previa, where the placenta is wedged against the cervix, and placenta percreta, in which the placenta grows through the uterus - she was admitted to hospital in March.

A Caesarean was planned for May 24, about six weeks before the twins were due.

But two days before then, the placenta broke through wall of Mrs Cohen's uterus and doctors sprang into action.

"They made a high incision," the new mum said.

"They pulled the babies out from the abdomen area without the placenta being disturbed."

However it was attached to the wall of her uterus "like crazy glue".

"I'm grateful to the doctors at Columbia Presbyterian for saving my life and saving my babies' lives," Mrs Cohen said.

The oldest woman in the world to give birth is thought to be Adriana Iliescu, from Romania, who had a daughter called Eliza Maria in January last year at the age of 66. A twin sister was stillborn.


Yes... it happened to me... gave birth at 46 to healthy baby boy ... who is now 4. I used fertility drugs but it DID happen and trust me, I was at the point where I was ready to stop trying!! ~ Pat


Saw my OB on Friday. I asked him if I was the oldest "gal" he has had as a patient who is TTC. He said "nope, my record is 48 year old, and she gave birth to healthy twins!" Of course I asked, did she use any type of fertility? He said, "no, all natural".


My (retired) OB told me last year that he had had 45, 46 and 47 year old patients give birth to healthy babies through natural conception and also patients (45, 46 and 47 year old, own eggs) give birth to healthy babies with assistance of fertility... So it can be done! And not only over 40, but 45 and over!!


Anyway the pharmacist and I were talking and having a little laugh about my 23 year old and my six year old, when she said: "well you know these days we're just so much more healthy and fit than we were years ago, recently an old school friend of mine had her first baby at 48 and followed by another one at 51!"


Last Tuesday I got a pregnant on a Clearblue digital but since I am prone to chemicals I didn't dare post my BFP.. But I made it to another week still with symptoms so at 44, I am preggo....I think it was the Homeopathic regimen I started in July and Vitex... along with the regular vitamins ..folic acid, E etc.. So please add me to your list! Trish


2,417 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I'm Ann (45) my husband is 51, I'm due Nov. 11, 2005, it's a girl


Melanie, 44, my partner is 59, I'm due 1/20/06


Nancy (44) - My son is 18 days old!


My Grandma had her last baby at 49 and some ladies that is just normal for. I am TTCing and I am 36 and sure hope that I got that


Catherine, Could I add my birth of my daughter Olivia born on Sept 7, 2005? I will turn 47 in Dec and this was a natural pregnancy with no drugs or procedures. We went to 3 RE clinics for several years and almost 2 years after we stopped all treatment, it happened! Thanks, Bing


2,417 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

She is 46.8 and will deliver on or around her 47th birthday in early September.


I'm 44, will be 45 in September, and my baby boy is 5 months old. ~~ Annette


My sister-in-law is almost 45 and pregnant by donor sperm and IUI (her own eggs)


Charlotte, 45, EDD 11/10/05 happy wife of 25 years & mom of 11 ages 1 - 23


Ann, 45, baby girl Alex Rose born 9-19-05 6 lbs. 5 oz.


2,417 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

I also have a friend who worked with Native Americans delivering their babies and she said that it was not at all unusual to have labouring mothers in their late 40's and early 50's -- obviously there were sometimes health issues like gestational diabetes or hypertension, but none of the medical staff even raised an eyebrow at the ages of the mothers -- it just wasn't considered unusual at all. No one talked about what a "miracle" it was because it was commonplace!


While there are fewer women who get pregnant in their late 40's, it certainly does happen and I know a couple of women who were 49 and got pregnant. In fact, this past Jan I got pregnant but miscarried just before my 50th birthday, and that was a natural conception. My previous pregnancy at 46 happened after 2 years TTC and using fertility drugs.


I have to share this story with you. I have a friend that tried for years to get pregnant. She had all the tests and procedures. She had everything cleaned out. She took all kinds of fertility drugs, and had several tries of first IUI’s and then IVF’s. She could not get pregnant at all. Finally after over two years of trying and crying her sister donated her eggs. She got pregnant the first IVF with her sister’s eggs. The delivery was no walk in the park and she ended up with a c-section that had a major scare where they almost lost her (according to he husband). They had a beautiful baby girl. About a month after the baby turned one my friend’s periods stopped. She went to her OB/GYN the next month to get treatment for menopause. Turns out she was pregnant. Without drugs, procedures or “trying”. Her doctor said sometimes a pregnancy can kind of jump start your system into being fertile. So anything can happen.


It is not impossible! I am 48 and the mother of 3 sons, 23, 19 and 3 years. I actually had an unplanned pregnancy at age 45. I am very happy and he is very healthy.


My neighbour has a six year old daughter who plays with my daughter and she also just had her second baby in June at home, she is 47, husband is 56. This was a natural, planned conception.


2,417 stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old!

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