My friend had her IVF baby at 44
My friend had her IVF baby at 44 years old.
It was her first IVF [in vitro fertilization], and she has not only a gorgeous baby, but she also had frozen embryos waiting!
She also had high FSH [Follicle-Stimulating Hormone], and irregular periods.
I think she's unusual, but no reason why it shouldn't work for someone else.
I conceived at 43.2 with IVF and ICSI [Intracytoplasmic sperm injection].
So far, so good -- I'm 15 weeks, 1 day pregnant.
I used an MDL protocol [Microdose Lupron Short Protocol] with BCP [Birth Control Pill].
I had a high dosage of Follistim, 600.
I can't remember all the protocol details, but if you're interested I'd be glad to look them up and share.
My FSH had been ranging between 16 and 25.7.
The month of the IVF cycle my FSH was 9.
At egg retrieval, they harvested eight eggs: two were immature and of the remaining six, two fertilized -- we put both back and are pregnant with a singleton.
I have historically been a slow responder, and I was on the protocol for 14 days.
My nuchal scan was great, but just for peace of mind I think I'm going ahead with the amnio -- yes, I'm dealing with some demons from my past.
Success, only time will tell.
If, I mean WHEN, all goes well I'll deliver at 43 years old (6 weeks short of my 44th birthday).
Hoping this pregnancy will count as IVF success at 44 years old.
I am now 21 weeks pregnant.
I had one egg that came up as normal out of 4 in PGD [Preimplantation genetic diagnosis].
Still 19 weeks to go so but if all goes well, I'll be 45 years old when the baby's born.
I had my son at 42 (became pregnant at 41) after IVF/PGD.
A friend of mine - I know this sounds fantastic - had an 'own egg' baby after IVF at 47 years old.
She had blocked tubes (she'd had a child way back at 20) and tried numerous IVF attempts - not sure how many exactly - but after a miscarriage they decided to try one more time because they say miscarriage is a sign your body 'knows' how to get pregnant.
And lo and behold, she was pregnant with her little boy.
Another friend of mine had identical twin boys at 44-45 years old - natural pregnancy.
I am 45 years old, and 18 weeks pregnant with my 4th child.
My others are 8, 13 and 16 years old.
I have just finished up all of the major testing (amnio etc) and everything is fine and normal.
This baby is very much a surprise, and health issues all around are the biggest worry.
I thought I was in pretty good shape, but I have been knocked for a loop... although I am starting to feel a little better.
I have the other perspective of having older parents.
I'm now 23 years old, my mother was 44 years old when she gave birth to me.
I liked that my parents were pass the party stage
and set into life.
It does not bother me to have parents old enough to be my grandparents.
Birth Begins at Forty: Challenging the Myths of Late Motherhood
by Elizabeth Gregory
-- More and more women are giving birth in their forties, and for some it will be their first baby.
What was unusual is now becoming quite common, yet little has been written on this dramatic shift.
This book tells all and is the result of honest and revealing interviews.
The book covers a range of topics, including: the trend to late parenthood; how do you decide?; how easy is it?; the risks and differences with late motherhood; combatting age prejudice; getting life back on track; having another baby; fathers over 40; and the benefits and delights.

Click to order/for more info: Birth Begins at Forty
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I have just completed my first IVF cycle. I'm 44 and have a 14 years old son. My husband and I opted for a tubeligation when our son was five. Now we regret it because our son is a teen and we are healthy and praying for another child. I will know if the IVF cycle worked within the next week when I go in for my first beta test. In all I feel great and feel confident that of the five mature eggs retreaved and of the four firtilized the one that made it to day five with PGD tested in great shape has planted and will give us our baby for December.
I am 42 and went through my first ivf cycle in feb was disappointing and negative PT. Im thinking of the second ivf but very nervous and looking for a miracle....