Women can naturally bear children even beyond 50 years
Hey... I am still shaking at the sight of the second pink line...
Here is some new hope for anyone, who like me - had given up TTC [trying to conceive] last month.
I tried Acupuncture, Clomid, every vitamin regiment on this site I read about, all of it.
Then after 18 months of this - and at the ripe old age of 47 years old, I decided I was beating my head against a wall.
I decided to be grateful for the kids and the life I had.
I lost 14 pounds, and ate and exercised like I loved myself more than anything... and whamo!
Just when I am looking at skin tight shorts and tops for the summer... BFP [big fat positive - pregnancy test]
You couldn't wipe the grin off my face for anything...
Thanks to all of you for all the words of wisdom and information you all share with each other, it has been so helpful.
Her name was Margaret Krasiowa.
She was born in Konin, Poland, in the year 1655, and died in 1763 at the age of 108 completed years.
At 94 years old, she married her third husband, who was then 105 years old.
During the 14 years they lived together, she bore him two boys and a girl.
This scenario, if true, represents probably the most fascinating documented case of childbearing at older maternal age.
Before the time of Margaret Krasiowa and even in our contemporary world, childbearing beyond the maternal age of 50 years has been a source of curiosity frequently punctuated with disbelief because of its rarity.
Although extremely rare, women can naturally continue bearing children even beyond the age of 50 years.
Previously, the reported age of women was truncated and documented as 49 years old on US public-access national natality files if they were 50 years old or older.
The decision of the National Centre for Health Statistics in 1997 to start recording on vital record files the actual age of pregnant women aged 50-54 years provided a unique opportunity to examine the magnitude of fetal morbidity and mortality in this age group of mothers.
Of 12,066,854 deliveries resulting in live births or fetal deaths in the United States between 1997-1999 inclusive, 539 were to women aged 50 and older (four per 100,000).
The socio-demographic characteristics of pregnant women achieving pregnancy at 50 years and older are summarized in TABLE1
and compared with the other age groups.
Older mothers belonged to three broad racial groups.
The overwhelming majority of them were white, with Asian or Pacific Islanders (the main component of the group denoted as other) and black women constituting the rest.
Whereas the proportion of blacks among pregnant mothers declined with advancing age, Asian and Pacific Islanders increased.
Primiparity showed a roughly U-shaped pattern, being most frequent in the 20-29 age group, with a trough at the 40-49 age category, and another modest increase at 50 years and older.
Great grand multiparity was most frequent among older mothers, twice the frequency in the 40-49-year-old group.
The majority of women aged at least 50 years were married, had received at least 12 years of education, but surprisingly, only about half of them could be described as having utilized prenatal care services adequately.
For cases where information was available, smoking and alcohol ingestion during pregnancy were relatively rare habits among older pregnant women in comparison with younger mothers.
Multiple gestations, on the other hand, were most frequent among 50-year-old mothers, comprising about one-third of all deliveries in this age group.
This rate for multiple pregnancies was seven times that of 40-year-olds.
Thought I would share with you my experience tonight - meeting a woman who was 48 years old when she had her twin boys.
My husband and I went to the mall this evening, so I could get my glasses fixed, and let my little guy get tuckered out at the indoor playground.
Well, my son was roughhousing with this other little boy, and I went to chat with him when the child's mother came up to me.
We started chatting and she noticed I was pregnant and asked me when I was due etc...
Anyway, she told me she had her twins at 48 years old!!
She and her husband are married for 23 years, and tried and tried.
But finally, they both resolved themselves to be without children.
When low and behold, she found out she was pregnant at 48 years old!
They love their little guys, had no evasive testing done when she was pregnant and were shocked to find out they were having twins.
by Randine Lewis
-- Infertility affects one out of six couples today.
Dr. Lewis presents a groundbreaking alternative approach to infertility, explaining how she used traditional Chinese medicine to treat her own infertility, successfully conceiving and giving birth to two children.
In Lewis's experience, women who have undergone three to six months of the dietary changes, herbs and acupuncture treatments become pregnant with no further effort.
Lewis intersperses her somewhat technical examination of the program with anecdotes about her patients, weaving in discussions on diet, herbal supplements, acupuncture, older women and problems related to infertility.

Click to order/for more info: The Infertility Cure