National Centre for Health Statistics: 78% chance of pregnancy between 35 & 44.
MYTH: Your fertility declines dramatically after age 35. Although it's true that your fertility declines as you age, you still have an excellent chance of having a baby even if you're past the reproductive world's magic age of 35. According to the National Centre for Health Statistics, you have a 96% chance of conceiving within one year if you're under 25, an 86% if you're between 25 and 34, and a 78% chance if you're between the ages of 35 and 44.
(Editor’s Note: Could it really drop all the way to 0% chance after that!? More likely it dropped to about 58%!)
Liriane spent almost two decades trying to get pregnant, developing a courage and patience she would not have believed possible. Then she got pregnant at age 44.
My brother-in-law's mother started having babies at 35 and had 8 kids in the next ten years, and everybody's just fine. Clearly, no fertility issues for her, either - and this was in the 70's when old pregnant chicks were seen as freaks of nature... Of course, it was also in Ireland - maybe the water's extra fertile over there...
I got pregnant naturally at age 42 that ended in a miscarriage. I then got pregnant naturally (using OPK's and temping) at age 43 and gave birth to Alex a month before my 44th birthday. I'm planning on having another and started temping again 2 months ago. - Jen
I am 45 and I was 12 weeks pregnant when I had a miscarriage just 2 days ago. I have a 25 year old daughter from a previous marriage. My husband and I would very much like to have a child together. We're hoping to try again in a couple of months even though the odds are against my advancing age. At least we now know that I can get pregnant at this age. It's just a matter of whether the pregnancy will be full term and that the baby will be healthy. - Alena