I met a woman who married at 35, had a daughter at 40 & son at 46!
I had my daughter at 36, my mother had her children at 37 and 39, my aunt at 41 and 43. I've just met a woman who married at 35, then had a daughter at 40 and a son at 46! None of us had purposely put off having children, nor did we "try for children", but we all married late, because it just happened that way!
As a child of older parents (44 and 50 when I came along) I think that I had a more 'stable' upbringing than friends with younger parents. They had a settled marriage, more money than they had in their twenties and generally had more life experience. I have never felt any stigma or difference (in fact lots of my friends have parents of a similar age) and consider myself to have had a wonderful childhood.
I had a child at 45. I conceived naturally within weeks of deciding to try. I had no problems during the pregnancy. I had a caesarean delivery but that happens at all ages as it did to me previously at age 34. I think the reports are alarmist and are ignoring the fact that actually the best time to have a baby is when you want one.
Although sexual intercourse becomes less frequent as couples grow older, and fecundity also declines, the probability of pregnancy still exists if contraceptive methods are not used. Research has shown that half of all women in their early forties are still fertile. Without contraception, the annual risk of pregnancy is around 10% for women aged 40-44 and 2-3% for women aged 45-49, and the risk may not be zero for women over 50. In women over 45 years who have not menstruated for one year the probability of subsequent menstruation (which could be ovulatory) is estimated to be 2-10%. There is a clearly established need for contraception until the menopause is established.
Progress in Reproductive Health Research
She’s 44 years old. She and her husband have been married 3 years and are expecting twins in December. This is their first pregnancy.