Healthy first pregnancy, normal delivery at age 45
I was fortunate enough to live a naturally healthy lifestyle and was able to conceive naturally and have a healthy first pregnancy and normal delivery at age 45. Our daughter is a delightful, healthy, intelligent and beautiful 4 year old who is very much loved and cherished.
Syliva Ann Hewitt has written a controversial book called Creating a Life: Professional Women and the Quest for Children. Hewitt herself was 50-something when she had her last child.
I had my first and only son when I was 44 thanks to IVF (it worked the very first time). Perhaps because my husband is a good 10 years younger I don't feel the weight of being an older mom and because I am very young at heart I have no problems whatsoever.
Giving birth after age 50 is not new. My grandmother started her family of 8 children when she was 38 years old and had two of the babies after age 50. From all accounts, she was a wonderful nurturing mother and raised happy healthy family. She lived well into her 90's and was self reliant until a year or so before her death. If she could do this, than why not other women?
My mom was 46 when she had me. My parents were great and I wouldn't have changed them for the world.
by Sylvia Hewlett
-- A survey, undertaken specially for this book, shows that 40% of women earning $50,000 or more a year are childless at age 45.
So why is the age-old business of having babies so very elusive for this generation of high-achieving women?
Why is it that all the new power and prestige does not translate into easier choices on the family front?
It seems that women can be astronauts, CEOs, Secretaries of State, but increasingly, they cannot be mothers.
Sylvia Hewlett's powerful book looks at the hard and disturbing facts and goes on to advocate a new way of approaching the question of motherhood vs. career for a new generation of women.

Click to order/for more info: Creating a Life