"Didn't think for one moment that I could be pregnant" - 44y
Everything that I had read suggested that the chances of conceiving at 44 would be extremely slim, so rather irresponsibly my husband and I stopped using any method of birth control. Two months later when my period was late, I didn't think for one moment that I could be pregnant. I was suffering from severe abdominal cramping and assumed that my period would arrive at any moment. When I began to feel nauseous and my breasts became very tender, I took a home pregnancy test. Imagine my surprise to discover that I was pregnant - even though it hadn't been planned. Our next shock came when we had the first ultrasound scan and we were told that there was not just one baby, but two!!
I admit that although we weren't practicing contraception, we also weren't actively trying for a baby and just adopted the attitude, "If it happens, it's meant to be". Well obviously it was meant to be because in September 2000, when I was 45½, I discovered to my delight that I was pregnant.
Wendy, 47, from Norfolk with Kasia (born 4/3/03) at 2 weeks old. Partner Phil is 50 this year. I conceived naturally after one ectopic (only one tube) and two miscarriage, 2 & 3 years before conceiving Kasia. Phil doesn't want her to be on her own, so there may be even another attempt this year!!
Gin from the US with daughter Hope, aged 2. Gave birth at age 41 and currently expecting another baby at the age of 44.
Jan, 45, Freelance Writer and creator and owner of Mothers Over 40. Expecting fifth child on 2 October 2005.